5 Tips for Opening Up to Your Partner About Your Relationship
Shutting down emotionally puts up walls between you and your partner. If both of you are unable to fully express yourselves, your relationship will always rest on unstable ground. Here are some tips to help you get comfortable opening up to your partner.
A Guide to Healing from Trauma
Trauma can make it seem like things will never get better. But healing is well within your reach. However, this process takes time and patience. You’ll want to find trusted people you can turn to for help. Here’s how to start down the path of healing from trauma.
It Pains Me to Say
Chronic pain is debilitating. It comes out of nowhere and shatters your existence. I would know, because I live with a chronic illness. In 2007, my world fell apart when I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. The diagnosis ripped apart everything I had ever known.
“It’s Fine” Isn’t Really, Is It?
How many times have you asked your partner what’s wrong and they respond with, “nothing, it’s fine”? But is it fine? And why is that a catch-all for problems going unresolved? Do you long for more than just surface level responses and catty comments from your spouse? Do you want to dig in deeper and learn how to have a healthier relationship? Then stay tuned!
Trauma Therapy: Why You Can’t Just “Shake it Off”
So much of trauma is what happens after the event is over. Trauma rewires your brain, and it can make it difficult to understand or explain what you experienced.
Teens: The Emotional Roller Coaster You Can’t Get Off
If you’ve found yourself trying to decode your teen’s latest “mood of the day” and come up short, you’re not alone. Parenting a teen is a full-contact sport, and sometimes, the best support you can offer is connecting them with a professional who can help them navigate this turbulent chapter of life.